Monday, September 15, 2008


keykit is a program extension where you can make noise from an image.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The 100 Gallery

Hello Digital Media,

Please submit work to show at The 100 Gallery. See me in person, Dan. Glasses. Grad student.

Reception/rotating exhibition weekly, Mondays 4 to 6pm.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Suggestion to move discussion to DMA forum

Jack reminded me that there is a DMA forum designed for just these sorts of conversations.

Now, I queried him to make sure there was a mechanism for non DMA students to get into the discussion- not so much a point right now, but may be eventually, and he said that it would be easy to have non DMA students create accounts and use it.  

I recommend using the forum because it is a bit better for managing discussions than blogs are.  I know it might be a pain to move the discussion, but since there have only been a few comments so far- it may be early enough in the game to move the conversation to the bulletin board.  

If anyone needs helps setting up an account- just email Jack.  

Some Name Suggestions

I've been doing some brainstorming for names. I remembered that in addition to neologisms (Intel, Capcom, etc.), I'm a big sucker for simple letter and number combinations. One that stood out to me was D3. I couldn't come up with anything for it to stand for. Another one I thought of was "data." It could stand for Digital Art Technology Association or something like that. That one may be a bit better. Anyways, just throwing these out there.

DMA Group Name

I'm glad to see a digital media group, its been a long time coming. The names that I liked were DAMN, Axon, The Immortals and Curser/Cursor these seemed fitting. As far as funding the things listed were my main concerns, especially exposure to new and different things and artists. Thanks guys!

Welcome/Group Name Brainstorming

Hello all! I've started this blog as a forum so we can get the DMA student group up and running. We held an impromptu election at the meeting yesterday and for the fall semester, Chase will act as Secretary, Lindsay as Treasurer, and myself as President. We intend to hold formal elections in the spring.

Below is listed a number of names/ideas that a few of us cooked up yesterday. We are going to choose a final title by *this Friday* (September 12). Please provide any feedback on names, which ones you like or any others you can think of. This is completely open, so please contribute as much as you can!

*DAMN (Digital Arts and Media Network)

*DMAG (Digital Media Arts Group)


*Networking is a positive word to include

*DMASG (Digital Media Arts Student Group)

*Axon (Axonics)

* Consider Neologism (Intel, Comcast, etc.)
-Dignet, Dig as the prefix, Di as a recognizable prefix, Digitalis
-digital and digits as fingers

*The Immortals





Also, please provide any feedback on what duties/responsibilities you would like this group to take or how you would like to see funding spent. We came up with some possibilities for that too, but add more if we've missed some!

*movie nights

Finally, give some thought as to how frequently and on what days we should hold meetings. We have the advantage of a great space to work in; it is out of bounds on Thursday nights due to Seminar. As mentioned before, please provide feedback by Friday on the name and as soon as possible with everything else. We need to have all paperwork in by September 29 to qualify for funding in the spring.

Ok, that should be everything. Thank you for all your help!